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Brandon Usselman
20 years
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Kitrina Farol

I am Brandon's favorite Aunt from Arizona and Shelley's favorite sister.


Shelley and I lived in Jamestown ND and visted each other often and sometimes early in the mornings for coffee. One morning I pulled up to Dan and Shelley's house and Brandon was sitting in his sandbox in his underware with their dog. Big smile on his face. This was about 7:30 a.m.


As I walked up to him, I noticed he had a bag of hot dogs and he was sharing them with the dog! I said where is your mom Brandon? He replied sleeping. I picked him up and took him inside the house and he was right Dan and Shelley were sleeping.


Brandon was about 4 years old then, and he had pulled a chair up to the door to reach the locked deadbolt. He raided the fridge and took the dog to the sandbox to have a early morning picnic.


I awoke Dan and Shelley and they freaked a little. This child was very McGiver like. He always could find ways to get what he wanted.


We knew by age 4, this kid is going to keep us on our toes. He did!!!!



Kitrina Farol

Brandon was about 2 or 3 years old and his mother Shelley and I were having coffee one morning in Jamestown ND. Brandon was in his bedroom playing and walked into the livingroom where we were sitting. He would look at us with this wierd face and then leave the room.


After Brandon did this the second time, his mom and I walked into his room to see what he was doing. To our suprise he had a match which was wet and sticking it into a light socket. The darn kid was shocking himself! We did catch him before the third go around.

Total Memories: 2
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